Monday, November 15, 2010

Social Class of Poverty

Classified: A Lonely Girl
The majority is the devoid in me as I know not what the equal of two and two might be as four.  The simple math obtained for the additional sums of familiarity in friends and family.  The numerical version of a negative sum as others have multiplied and duplicated the renewal of childhood ambitions.  I sat as if deaf and dumb but only muted like the volume on standstill.  There’s no equalization in the electrical impulses.  They are absent from the form of human contact where interactions are consistently rising and diving into the sub and conscious mental faculties of facilities within homes, establishments and social society.  

Reclassified: A Mute, not deaf, not dumb
One sentence depleted as the loss of empathy eluded the desiring ears that were jacked like a stereophonic device waiting for the plug.  The vibrations of song reverberated and reverted against the drum in horn like a cochlear implant.  The device reached the middle ear sinking into the inner soul as the music reflected growth.  Perception became visual as the notes rang like bells of truth within each sighted consideration.  It was an antennae with receiver to the skies aligned to Heaven’s gate the angels sat in view of the significant and sensitive.  

Reinstated: Life of Poverty
The ocular implication of depravity smashed the sounds of nature as the noise pollution intruded like a derelict out of control.  The cityscape revealed more tinks and clinks than the absolute rule of cash notes and registers.  The pleasantry of the poor reiterated the passionate drive to rise above the loud raucousness of social sins.  The guide along the path provided musing that was confusing rather than direct in simplifications.  Instead the complications of materialists and detriment deterred the life directive for living.  The push in poverty put me in line to wait for the grandiose signs of the Seventh Moon landing.

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